Monday, August 30, 2004

Classes have begun

At the last minute I decided not to take the Fall term on hiatus. What is interesting is that I've enrolled in all distance learning classes. I'm familiar with webcourses, but I'm taking a telecourse. I get to watch a lecture for an hour once a week sitting in my living room (or in my world, in front of my pc, tv tuner cards are great).

The subjects?

  • Freshman English/English Composition

  • Sociology

  • Principles of Management

I dont know what I've gotten myself into. The english class will involve alot of reading, and apparently alot of writing. That should be most interesting. The management class I hope to gain some good knowledge to use at work if I get into management training. I don't know why I took the sociology class (perhaps it was the only other class of any lukewarm interest listed as distance learning, other classes i wanted were either closed or cancelled).

We'll see how well this goes I guess....

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