Wednesday, May 19, 2004

A picture of my late Dusty. Oh yea, this is a test post with pics. Posted by Hello

Monday, May 17, 2004

This is quite possibly the funniest story I have ever read. For those not in the know, people will try anything to part a fool from his gold. A guy is trying to sell a laptop on ebay. A popular scam is when a person emails the seller to make a deal on the side outside of ebay, usually overseas, usually requesting to use a (fake) escrow site. This guy decided to take it to the next level. Simply hilarious is all I can say.

Since the site is mad popular, the guy can't keep up with his bandwith costs, so there's plenty of mirrors (copy/paste them):

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

This war thing has taken an ugly turn. In an apparent act of revenge, masked Islamic men have beheaded an american civilian in retaliation for what American soldiers did to POW's. The video is claimed to be or have been on an Islamic website. I knew this was coming. I don't think it was right for what our soldiers did, but at the same time I could in a way understand why they did it. But they should have thought thru their actions first, knowing the turmoil that is going on. I'm sure this is only the first incident, definitely not the last. This disgusts me.

Monday, May 10, 2004

Ugh! I went to register for classes this morning. It opened at 8am, I got there at 8:15am. The line was maybe 5 people wide and waayyyyy out the back door, easily a wait time of a few hours. I hate I can't register online right now!!! I went to another campus where the line wasnt as long and I only waited 30 minutes. I have to do it all over again on Wednesday to pick up my books :-( I have to take this dreaded math class, and I'll take a VB.NET class to get better guidance on learning it better, and a computer upgrade and repair class. Hopefully I'll get something out of that class. Not too many classes offered for the summer, but I had to get my 12 credits. Oh well, life goes on.

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Yay. So after a little bit of time and boredom, I was able to get my own template to work on blogger. Still got a little bug in the display, but it's functional, and at this point that's good enough for me.

Today is mother's day (Love you Mom, smooches), today is also the anniversary of the day my father died 32 years ago. Not like I knew him, but may he continue to rest.

Saturday, May 08, 2004

Ok this is wierd. Someone sent me a link to Subservient Chicken. You give him commands telling him to do something. I gotta tell you, the things I was telling him to do almost made me soil myself. (I'm told it's not "live", but runs on scripts, either way it's still funnier than hell).

I must be bored.
Well I'm convinced that job was a complete setup. "We'll give her these projects to finish up for us cause we didnt feel like doing it. We're done with her, give her this very difficult project that I can't do, tell her she has a week, start giving her pressure at 2 1/2 days so we can get rid of her". Feels great to be needed. So now i'm back at wallyworld. Can't say I'm happy, but at least I'm still working, and surprisingly I was welcomed back. Now I feel like I'm in a power struggle with the obnoxious department manager that seems to not smell his own shit. I'll deal with him tho, believe that.

I think I'm going to get some school training on some .NET stuff, I have the books (just received another .NET book), but I'm always so tired and don't spend the time learning it at home. Besides, I need to keep it up at school to keep my Pell Grant alive. I can use that kickback in these hard times. Dear God, how much longer?