Sunday, August 27, 2006

Hurricane Ernesto

storm coming

I can't say i'm liking this too much. Although maps have it coming just to the east of me (maybe Polk county), we still will feel this one pretty good. I dont have high hopes that it will take a quick turn like Charlie did a couple of years ago and spare us. If people are smart, wallyworld should be a circus right now. I think i'll be a smart one and go there RIGHT NOW. I need a flashlight....

Monday, August 14, 2006

apartments and condos

Lately I've noticed that apartment complexes are converting over to condos, on top of new condos being built. I'm not talking just a few sites. I'm talking EVERYWHERE. And even stranger, alot of them are around the USF campus. College kids arent really thinking of buying condos. A friend of mine stayed in an apartment that is probably 500 square feet. They were like "mini projects" to me. They kicked everyone out, and said basically "if you wanna move back in, i'll sell it to you for $90k. wtf?!?? There's an open lot across from the store I work at. Right in the middle of the hood. Crackheads. Homeless people. Constant police presence. At first the sign said "starting from the $140's". Then, just last week, it was changed "from the $200's". These condos must open the door for you when you drive up or something.

The other problem I have is this: when these "mini project" occupants are sent elsewhere, where are they gonna go? everywhere you go its a condo. Everyone cant afford to buy a condo or rent a house. I dunno, I just cant see "buying an apartment". some of the luxury apartments gone condo are nice, but I emphasize some. Next thing you know duplexes are going to turn townhouse.....