Saturday, November 27, 2004

Just Babble....

So today makes day 5 of screwy phone service at home. I went to the sprint store, and I was told there was trouble with a cell tower away from me. Well, That was Wednesday, today is Saturday, and I still can't call anybody. I'm glad there isn't a raving lunatic breaking down my door to kill me right now. They WILL give me a new phone when I get back up there.

My landlord has made himself scarce from me. Monday morning I went and dropped of a letter to him, basically stating that I need to know his billing methods and asking him to show me this and my water meter. I walked right past him on the way to drop the letter off, and he pretty much looked right through me. I also went to the post office and sent him a certified letter, which I know he received the very next day. I wanted to take a jab at him about his nasty personal comment he left in his letter, but the lady at the Consumer Protection Agency warned me against that. I'll see what happens when I pay my rent next week. I'll put it in the door as I always do because I don't want to look at his snaggle tooth ass.

1 comment:

Jason said... cell phone works everywhere except in my house...all of the time. I call them and they basically say "too bad sucker." It has gotten a bit better in the last few weeks, which gives me hope for the future.

Good luck with your landlord problems. He sounds like a real jerk based on your side of the story.