Sunday, December 26, 2004

They call me Big Toe.....

Tomorrow makes a week post-op. It still hurts a little and I still walk like an old lady. Those assholes at work dont seem to understand "light duty" and I seemed to go thru more pain lastnite than I did all week. I got one for them tho. I got over a week of sick time waiting to be abused....
Posted by Hello


Bah. So my hard drive is nothing more than a shiny paperweight. I tried everything that I could think of doing at this point. It was fdisk'd but would not format no matter what I try. I slaved it on my other system, windows would see it, wouldnt format. It's just screwed. The only real thing I lost was my email, some stuff in my documents and a few music files. Before it really shitted I was able to grab a few things. Thankfully I had a slave drive that had all the goodies on it, but what pisses me off is that the drive was less than a year old, and the place I bought it from mysteriously folded a few months ago (been good business for years). In any case I thought I'd find a 40 gigger or so, the problem is that I tried to do this on Christmas Eve. Every place I went to was packed like the world was ending. I just gave up and decided to use my slave as primary, and now I'm back in business. I guess a new hard drive will be on the tax refund shopping list. And oh yea, Maxtor drives suck. (this isnt the first maxtor I've owned that had just up and died on me, you would think that I would have learned). Life goes on.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

This just sucks major ass

I can't believe this. My hard drive just took a shit, a MAJOR shit. Just somehow the disk is damaged, I can't even format the bitch. And I bought this thing less than a year ago from a company that mysteriously closed its doors a few months ago. I cant even do an RMA on it. I'm fucked twice, and I have to go and buy a damn hard drive. I have to rob a bitch just to do that, working at wallyworld doesnt really give me room to buy shit when it breaks, so actually i'm fucked three times. I could use the slave drive, but shit, I have about 40gigs of shit that hasnt been backed up or nothing on that drive.

THIS JUST FUCKING SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 20, 2004

uber l33t fashion statement Posted by Hello


Ugh, I had foot surgery today, ouch. Removed a bone spur ouch. Had toenail removed on big toe, ouch. Ugh. The procedure went without a hitch, of course I hate when he sticks me with those needles to numb my foot,ouch. At least I felt absolutely nothing, but damn, the novacaine started wearing off like, 30 minutes after he finished. OUCH OUCH. At least the shoe he gave me is an uber fashion statement. So mom picks me up, and since today is Monday, it's her discount day at Bealls Outlet, that means some walking, ugh. I bought an outfit and sat in the car while she hit the dollar store. F*%^@. Then we decided to grab something to eat at the Food Court in the mall so I can start popping some pills. she just HAD to goto Spencer's to get a dirty birthday card for her cuddle bunny, arg. I went and sat in the car and talked to myself. Now that I'm home I've struck gold and found my Darvocet (altho I turned down the Rx to get some Vicadin) so I'll be happy in a short time from now.

My foot really does hurt

Saturday, December 18, 2004

I need to pray

I don't know what my brother is going thru right now, but whatever it is, I hope he gets his head together and dont do something stupid he'll regret forever. Don't walk away from a good thing because you have little devils sitting on your shoulders pulling strings. Please.....I've been there. He's young and has some mistakes to make, but if you need guidance from a person with the experience, please get with me. You know i'm like a worrywart on steroids, so don't make me worry about you. OPEN YOUR EYES TO THE GAME THAT IS BEING PLAYED!!!!

Friday, December 17, 2004

People in this world are truly sick

stolen fetus

Someone was so desparate that they killed a woman and stole her fetus right out of her body. And what's even sadder is, in looking for the baby, how can you give a physical description? I hope the dumbasses are caught. I would find it strange for someone to turn up with a newborn baby out of the blue. sick sick world

update: they found the baby
I hope this SICK BITCH rots in eternal hell

Something aint right!!!!

So here it is, some 14 hours later after going to the podiatrist today, and my foot is STILL TOTALLY NUMB from the injection. I have what he calls a "fibroma" on the arch of my foot. So he's been giving me an injection to try to reduce it to avoid surgery. Well on today's visit, he gives me my shot and I'm on my way. My foot was numb before I left his office. It wasnt until later that I had to think about it......he never numbed it before. He knows how I hate the injections, so maybe it was necessary to please me or something. After sitting in ER for a few hours, the doctors there made me realize something. I think instead of him giving me whatever treatment he gives me (which would be alot) he gave me the novacaine instead of the treatment, which I would think you wouldnt need nearly as enough of that stuff just to numb the area. I can't fucking believe it. I hate to think that he would make such a huge mistake like this. If I have to wake myself up in the morning, I'm tracking him down in one of his offices first thing. If I had my car I'd be waiting for him outside his fucking office. This is bullshit!!

Thursday, December 16, 2004

My foot is killing me

Really, it is. I got these fibroma things in the arch of both of my feet and they hurt like hell. He stuck this huge as needle to numb my foot, then stuck another huge needle in my foot to administer whatever to try and deal with the fibroma. He's against doing surgery to cut them out because they might come back. And now this bone spur has cropped up in my left foot big toe, so that means, toenail=off. So now I'm the only person that has no toenail on my big toes. But this spoiled my master plan of "being sick" on new years eve. Guess I'll have to goto Plan B. Well wait, actually it might work. I seemed to have a stockpiled amount of sick time waiting to be abused. I take my two days off, come in for, oh, a day or so, then say "there's a problem" and use my sick time for a week and a half stretching into the new year MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I might have a bandaged big foot for a few weeks, but i'll be bringing the new year in like two snaps in the wind (for a change, you know how long its been that i've celebrated on new year's eve?? and i'm not talking about sitting at home watching Dick Clark, calling relatives and hearing my grandma crying that she made it another year. My grandma is healthy albiet her latest conditions, she's gonna pass 100)

Monday, December 13, 2004

Dear Santa,

This year I've really been a good girl. I cleaned my room everyday, I did all of my chores, I even got a raise at my job. Well, I'm lying, I've made my bed maybe three times this year (why make the bed when you gonna get back in it?). Anyway, I have a couple of things I want for Christmas. I haven't asked for anything in so many years, so I think I'm deserving. Santa, I want a new job. I know there's something I have to do, and yes, I've done that, I just have to wait for the outcome of it. Can you get me a new job anyway? I'm not making a whole lot of money right now, so it would be really cool if I could get a nice job or something. Another thing is a car. I don't need a new car Santa, something dependable and maybe I'm picky, but I dont want something ugly. I need a cute car so when I'm cruising around town looking for hot guys....well, I won't get into that. But then here's a thought....why don't I just trade those things in, and you give me one thing. How about I get lucky? NOOOOOOOO not that!! You just get those six numbers lined up just right.....

Who the hell am I fooling?? I'd be just happy having New Year's Eve off to actually celebrate for a change. I lead a boring life. If it wasnt for this computer and a cable modem, I'd be quite postal right now.....I am serious about the job tho...

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Sprint sucks

I can finally use my phone now after two and a half weeks. I called customer service yesterday and he at first acted like there was nothing he could do. I spent a few minutes getting ethnic on him, he put me on hold for a few minutes, then he was more that willing to help me out and give me credit. Now that Sprint is merging with Nextel, I wonder how things will change. Actually, my phone is still acting a little funny. My brother just called and said the phone rung like 6 times before I picked it up on the first ring. Tmobile is looking better everyday.......

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

More babble

Life has been boring these days. Probably because i'm working alot and sleeping any other time. At least I'm wanting a new hobby of sewing, I dont know why.

My phone still doesnt work. Today makes two weeks of my non-service at home. But I can send/receive calls in digital roam, which I won't be paying for either. My landlord still hasnt contacted me at all. I've seen him on a couple of occasions (he's seen me too) and he acts like I have AIDS or something. Oh well.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Just Babble....

So today makes day 5 of screwy phone service at home. I went to the sprint store, and I was told there was trouble with a cell tower away from me. Well, That was Wednesday, today is Saturday, and I still can't call anybody. I'm glad there isn't a raving lunatic breaking down my door to kill me right now. They WILL give me a new phone when I get back up there.

My landlord has made himself scarce from me. Monday morning I went and dropped of a letter to him, basically stating that I need to know his billing methods and asking him to show me this and my water meter. I walked right past him on the way to drop the letter off, and he pretty much looked right through me. I also went to the post office and sent him a certified letter, which I know he received the very next day. I wanted to take a jab at him about his nasty personal comment he left in his letter, but the lady at the Consumer Protection Agency warned me against that. I'll see what happens when I pay my rent next week. I'll put it in the door as I always do because I don't want to look at his snaggle tooth ass.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Another pissy day in progress

I"m glad I don't have like some dire emergency going on, because if I did I'd be totally screwed. For over four hours now, my cellphone has been screwed. No particular reason. It's been "looking for service" since a little after noon. No calls in, no calls out. I had to walk to the store before the phone would work. The freaky part is there is a tower right across the fucking street. I'm sorry, but I'm not walking a mile just to use my damn phone, I pay these bastards enough to get more than the song and dance they are giving me right now. This is bullshit!!!!

Monday, November 15, 2004

WTF do you take me for???

My landlord is a bonafied dickhead. Plain and simple. This whole water bill saga has taken an ugly turn. A little background: I've lived in this hole-in-the-wall since June of '03. When I signed the initial lease, the water bill is included. When I renewed in '04 the water was included. A short time after renewal, all the tenants go a note on the door telling us we will start paying water bill. Like hell I will. So it has gone unpaid. He can't cut my water off because there's only one meter to the building. He gets one bill then splits it among the residents in the building. That's bullshit. So fast forward to today. I get home to a letter with a personal threatening tone. I found out I'm not the only one.

On the bottom of the delinquency letter:
This is your final advisory concerning your grosly overdue water bill. If you do not pay your bill, the home office has directed me to extricate you from the dwelling. Personally, I am sick and tired of your disrespect concerning this matter, and your eviction will be one that gives me great satisfaction. The choice is your's. Keep it up!

Mind you, his spelling and punctuation needs a little work. I typed that letter for letter. There is no home office. This property is owned by two men. You can't "extricate" me from the dwelling for a water bill. You can't meter split either. He will very soon realize that he's fucking with the right one. Yea, I'm gonna keep it up alright!!!!! Revenge is oh so sweet, and it will be a dish served cold. Fuck you Pete!!!

Sunday, November 07, 2004

This is NOT funny anymore.....

Maybe I missed something this morning, but for some reason, the remote control to my TV is missing. There is only two places that remote will be: right next to me, or in/near the bed. I've searched the whole place and it's nowhere to be found. I can't blame the cat this time. And the more fucked up part about it is that this TV needs a remote to change the channel, I can't go up or down on it at all. So I guess until I buy another one i'll be stuck with MTV....

update: I CAN blame it on the cat. I was about to plug in my TV tuner to the computer, moved the stand and there the remote sat....and this is one of Buttercup's hiding/pouncing spots. There's no way that it could have fell in that spot or been kicked there. She will be punished >:-|

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Do females fart?

You bet your ass they do haha

But it's not "sunshine and kittens" as some women want to believe. And to set the record straight, I've farted. Had some room-clearing varieties, but it's only nature. Hold it in and it'll kill ya
What a shitty day

sorry if that's strong, but it's so true. My week has been bad, but today brought me to tears for so many reasons. for the last week my car has had some sort of problems, and depending who I ask it can be a simple or complex problem. It cranks but won't stay running, it sputters. To start, someday in the near future I will get some new plugs and wires, fuel filter and some fuel injection cleaner hoping it will help. Lord knows I don't need to be without a car. But i sat for 4 1/2 hours in the hot blazing sun. I got a tow to come thanx to roadside rescue with my cellphone. The guy gives me some gas, but then he leaves!! So I have to call back and wait almost another 2 hours for the second pass. I used two of my roadside calls for the same damn issue. Pricks.

The job is still a pain in the ass. Actually it's not the job, it's the management. They are making my environment right for going postal. I don't even want to get into it.

Then there's the living situation at my grandmother's. The house is owned by my uncle, my grandmother's brother. She's 93 and has a feeding tube, she really isn't doing all that great, so my mother lives there with her to help care for her in a home she's known for more years that I've been alive. Well it seems that he (or somebody) has a problem with her being there, so HE suggests she move and take grandma with her or put her in a nursing home. WTF?!??!?! can she not stay there in her home? are you kicking the both of them out? It surprised me to hear my uncle talk like this and some of the other things he said I just couldnt believe it.

then there's the job. Actually I dont even want to get into it either. My life is just a total mess right now I can't even think straight. It's just a mess

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Election Day is here

I know it's early, but it looks like we are doomed for another 4 years. I cant remember following an election with so much controversy behind it. It just feels like a huge scam

Monday, November 01, 2004

Election 2004

I will be soooooooo glad when this election is over. Right now, every commercial is a campaign ad for someone or something. I'm sick of it. The mudslinging of course, but alot of dirty stuff too. Websites are being knocked offline due to DDOS attacks. Prank emails are plentiful (I received an email telling democrats to vote on Wednesday). Alot of "who will you vote for" polls are being spammed with bogus votes. It's crazy. You can read about it here.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Funny Stuff

I think I have a new favorite show on TV is. I was in love with Boiling Points, altho I havent caught an episode lately, but I'm watching Motormouth on VH1, and this is hilarious. In the future, I have to be very careful what I do in my car ;-)

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Happy Birthday Grandma!!

She made it another year, and now she's been in this world for 93 years!!

Love you Grandma :-)

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Like WTF??!?

I have a serious problem with THIS. Why do we give a shit about this asshole's health? Here's my up his chest cavity, load him with dynamite and live grenades, close him up, toss him in a mine field.

And I bet we're picking up the tab for it too >:-|

Monday, October 04, 2004


I didn't know cats actually EAT squirrels!!! They chase them all day long and never ever catch them, I'm walking up the stairs to go into my apartment and one of the (many) strays was chowing down on a dead squirrel!!!


Thursday, September 30, 2004

Mount St. Helens is waking up again!

Mount St. Helens VolcanoCam

I was 9 when this thing erupted and I was living in Seattle at the time. I was sooooo scared when it happened, and watching the news and getting info where ever I can has me a little shaky again. They say it won't be anything like what happened 24 years ago, but you never know. Mother nature is sure angry right now!

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

What a totally PISSY day

Why does everything have to happen at the same time? First I'm STILL having to deal with this damn hurricane in a way I didn't expect. Today I decided I'd wash a few loads of clothes and rest a while before going back to work tonite. First, after all the rain, it got in the door of my car and has messed something up. I literally have to break into my own car because the thing does "catch" to let me open the door. So after going thru the motions for 15 minutes to break into my car, I go to the ATM and get some money. No problem there. Well maybe except the idiot that decided to walk right in front of me as I inserted my card. So I goto Family Dollar to get some laundry detergent and deoderant. I walked that damn store for maybe 15 minutes looking for it. They have freight and L-carts of freight all over the place. A lawsuit waiting to happen. The lady looked at me twice and turned to finish talking to her friend about her trifling boyfriend. So having an ethnic moment I say with much attitude "damn do you sell deoderant????" "oh it's over girl, I told his ass I'm going over to that bitch house......" I get my deoderant from the measly selection and quickly pay and leave. I'm still so pissed from all the action that I passed right by the damn store to get cigarettes. And I was gonna quit today too.....

So now I get home and load up my clothes. My neighbor stops me and says "you know they went up on the price on the dryers to $1.50". I'm thinking great, rape us some more. Then she says that instead of an hour, her clothes stopped drying at 30 minutes. WTF?!?!?!? It takes an hour to dry clothes in those thimble-sized dryers, so it's now really $3 fucking dollars to dry my damn clothes. So now he makes us pay water damn near $30 a month. That's just from taking a daily shower, no washer and dryer, and a kitchen faucet that gets fixed every two weeks. I'm holding out so hard from calling him and telling those deadbeat ass fuckers to kiss my shitty ass!!!!

I guess the only solace I have is sitting here with a cat sitting...or shall I say laying down on my shoulder fast asleep. I guess it's better than her standing on my shoulder with her butt in my face >:-|

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

One of many downed trees in my area. This is in a yard behind my grandmother's house. It was open a little from Frances, Jeanne finished it off. Posted by Hello

Monday, September 27, 2004

I survived Jeanne

Well I can say that it wasn't as bad as I thought. Power went off about 8:20am Sunday morning as expected. The funny part about that was I was talking to someone on AIM, and was like "yea I'm just waiting for the power to go out"....10 seconds later *POOF*. Power finally came back on about 4pm today (Monday). When the power went out the storm was in the neighboring county to the east, the rain had been going for a few hours and the wind was picking up. I just sat at the desk and watched this huge oak tree sway back and forth. It scared me enough to where I made myself an area in the closet and got some sleep. It got hot so I ended up in the bed. It was still cool in the house so it wasnt bad. I ended up working lastnite which wasnt bad, I didnt have to sit in the dark at home. some minor damage there, the mesh covering in the garden center was ripped off and that's about it. I've lost all my food in the fridge again so that's something I have to work with. When I drove to my mother's house, you can go down any given road and see downed tree limbs, here and there some huge trees are uprooted. Polk county got it really bad (again).

I never realized how important having electricity is to me (and internet)

Sunday, September 26, 2004

I'm getting sick of this.

The storm has not made a north turn yet, so the newest advisory has it coming right over my head, the exact path of Frances. This is just too much I swear. And OMG it's still a cat2!!!
It's that time AGAIN

I'm getting bloody sick of all these hurricanes. The store closed early tonite and we were expected to work until around midnite or so, but the store manager got us out of there before 11:30pm without even finishing cleaning up. Still amazing that customers are pissed about it. It's getting windy with minimal rain. I think I'll sleep now simply because I may not be able to in a few hours.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Love your kids? Prove it by beating them.

This is old skool, and I have to sort of agree. I got my ass kicked as a kid. today as an adult I still have flashbacks if I'm getting ready to screw up. Kids today are kicking their parents' asses, and that's just wrong! It's time today's kids start getting their own switches from that tree out back.....
The worse luck in the world

Apparently I need to get out more. My cable totally went out yesterday for no apparent reason. The TV I guess I can deal with, but no cable light on my modem sends me thru some changes. I went to work lastnite with no service. Then I come home this morning to find a cab wrapped around a pole in front of my complex, and my side of the complex had no power. Apparently he was run off the road by someone. I'm surprised I got power back so soon cause the pole looked split. I haven't gone back out to see exactly what was done. Guess I shouldnt complain. I have power and internet and the A/C is on :-P

Monday, September 13, 2004

Let us welcome Jeannie. Of course it's way too early to be worried, but us weary Floridians are watching it i'm sure. Tell you the truth I'm bloody sick of all the storms. The rain is welcome, but I don't want a skylite in my whole 2nd story apartment. We'll see how this one plays out

Well here's Ivan. After watching it for almost a week after Frances, it seems that we lucked out on this monster. I haven't heard from my friend in the Cayman Islands, but from all the reports it looks like he got hit pretty severly. But we're not out of the woods yet as there's something else to worry about :-(

Monday, September 06, 2004

From where I drove, the damage is sporadic. Parts of downtown were flooded earlier, but I think that has subsided. I wish I could say the same for my neighborhood. I stay a few blocks away from a major shopping mall, and it's under water. This is a pic from in front of the mall down the main 8 lane street that passes in front of it. The rest of the pics can be seen below.

Aftermath pictures
I survived my first hurricane....Hurricane Frances. Being in hurricane force winds is not fun but at the same time it's almost surreal. I lost power on Sunday about 12:50pm. At the time it really wasnt that windy when the transformer blew, but it didnt bother me, as there was an approaching hurricane. I spent most of the day sitting around. I tried to catch up on some reading assignments but just couldnt stay focused. I was totally exhaused but I couldnt sleep, so I listened to the radio. One call I just cant forget is a guy who didn't have power. He calls the radio station, states his area and he had no power for (at the time) about 4 hours or so. He also stated he drove around his neighborhood (bad idea), he saw no "major damage" and it was only raining. Then he goes into his rant and says "it's not fair". WTF??? Apparently his argument was that why wasnt the electric company out on a pole giving him his electricity in the 40mph+ sustained winds?? I had to LOL when the DJ quickly hung up on him, and spent about 10 minutes calling him different kinds of idiots.

Fast forward to about 8pm. With what was forcasted for the weather, it was already planned for me to be to work. At that time it was only raining with some gusts, but nothing we wouldnt see in an afternoon thunderstorm. My manager was running late, so I decided to drive around to avoid getting sleepy to see how things were. I was amazed that some gas stations were open. Those foreigners know when to cash in on opportunity, and each open station i passed was packed. Sporadic outages, I didnt see anything drastic, such as big trees down, but this is only about a 5 mile area i was in. We basically had a skeleton crew at work, two managers and five associates. Wasn't much to do, but I was able to maintain my weekly hours (these days I can't afford to miss any hours for ANYTHING).

About 11pm is when things got real ugly. Most of the day the worst thing I saw from my living room window was wind gusts, alot of foilage. Now things were looking like what you'd see on TV, horizontal rain. The front doors of the building was buckling under the pressure of the wind. I'm no meteorologist, but I could take a guess and say those were strong tropical storm winds, 50 or 60 miles per hour. It was wicked!!! At this point I feel like an idiot for being so dedicated to my job, but I didn't have power so I felt better to be at work anyway. In any case, we are getting the back end of the storm now, and it was totally different from what went on in the beginning. The rain was coming down in sheets, very very heavy and VERY VERY WINDY. You can hear it pounding the roof almost all nite. When I came home I made a beeline, and being it was still dark I was limited to what I can see. The pond across the street from work has started flowing in the street. Vulnerable flood areas are underwater by many feet.

I have to try and get rest, but I hope to get pictures if it isnt still too dangerous outside.

Sunday, September 05, 2004

I'm still here. I haven't lost power, but a few times it made my APC beep, the CATV acted funny a couple of times. I have my A/C on full blast so if the power does go out it will be relatively cool in here. At the moment it's raining outside, a little bit of wind, but the worse of the storm is coming, as noted by my graphic. viewer call-ins from the Lake Wales area state that it's really deteriorating, alot of trees and power lines down, a lady had part of a tree come in her window. I really hoped this thing would weaken more before getting here, God help us

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Hurricane Frances comes to visit

This storm is already causing problems, and i'm on the West coast of the state. The above link shows what just happened to my grandmother's house. This is not going to be a good weekend.....

The storm is moving in. This is a snapshot from CNN showing some boats being knocked around. I'm not sure exactly where they are, all i know this is West Palm Beach. They showed some pretty dramatic footage of a nice sized pleasure boat coming in, a lady ran from it, apparently this boat lost an engine, but the fact I cant understand, what were they doing out on the waters anyway? This storm has been public knowledge for days, so what is their excuse?
Hurricane Frances

I'm getting impatient now with this storm. I know that sounds crazy, but the watching and waiting is killing me. I'm already impatient when it comes to waiting, but this is just too much. Apparently I'm not the only one, as the lady on the news just said the exact same thing. I wish it would speed up for this reason, and for the simple fact that it's moving so slow and the rains along with it, the flooding is going to be a major issue, especially in my neighborhood. a quick 10 minute storm puts a few of the roads under water, even though it takes a few hours to drain. With this storm, it could take days or even weeks to clear out. I guess the term "up the creek without a paddle" wont sound too stupid right now.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Ahh the joy of being a college student. For the last hour I've been doing some assigned reading from The Wadsworth Handbook and I just had to find a break after reading 6 chapters. I guess that means I need to stop procrastinating. I still havent completed my reading for my Sociology class, and haven't even begun reading for my Management class (waiting on my book). I've managed to avoid having to do a Thesis on anything, but my number has been called. This actually might be fun!

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Here we go again. The Orlando area doesn't need another hit, and neither does the Polk County area (Lakeland). It's still too early to say as this storm track has been updated a few times, but it's still too close to me :-(

Monday, August 30, 2004

Classes have begun

At the last minute I decided not to take the Fall term on hiatus. What is interesting is that I've enrolled in all distance learning classes. I'm familiar with webcourses, but I'm taking a telecourse. I get to watch a lecture for an hour once a week sitting in my living room (or in my world, in front of my pc, tv tuner cards are great).

The subjects?

  • Freshman English/English Composition

  • Sociology

  • Principles of Management

I dont know what I've gotten myself into. The english class will involve alot of reading, and apparently alot of writing. That should be most interesting. The management class I hope to gain some good knowledge to use at work if I get into management training. I don't know why I took the sociology class (perhaps it was the only other class of any lukewarm interest listed as distance learning, other classes i wanted were either closed or cancelled).

We'll see how well this goes I guess....

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Lawd Have Mercy

Over the years I've come to love and cherish my broadband connection, currently getting 3mbps. Well Verizon has fiber being laid for FIOS, at speeds up to 15mbps for the same price I pay now. I'm drooling uncontrollably. It states my area may have it available by the end of the year. I've been cell only for years, but it seems now I need to reconnect with verizon home phone service to get this. I'll leave roadrunner forever!!!

Verizon FIOS Home

Verizon FTTP Deployment Center Florida Fiber Deployment

Monday, August 23, 2004

losing one's mind

it's 10:24am in the morning, just got out the shower, i have a mad headache because i'm too stupid to take my blood pressure medication, my feet are killing me and i'm very mad. I've missed 24 minutes of ER already, that's not cool. I'm the only one living here, but yet I can't find my tank tops I just bought last week. I wore one, and the other two were still rolled up in the pack. they were next to my desk. I picked them up and they went somewhere between BFE and oblivion. I've just spent 30 minutes searching 500 sq ft of apartment only to still be nekked from the waist up. I really wanted to wear the second one out of the pack, but this has only worsened the headache that wont go away for another two days anyway. damn this high blood pressure.

Sunday, August 15, 2004

I'm still here

As we all know, the storm made a little detour at the last minute. Being this would have been my first hurricane every having to personally experience, I was very scared, but felt blessed as the storm changed its track. But I realized how bad it was for the citizens of Punta Gorda and Charlotte County, as they were less prepared for the storm as we were. There was simply no time for people to evacuate. The damage is breathtaking. And this storm was really a monster!! After making landfall as a category 4, it still had enough punch that it cause major damage in Polk County and the city of Orlando!! Meaning it was on land for about 6 hours or so (and i'm guestimating) and still was strong. At a certain point I feel so guilty and seeing all this incredible damage in other places, when in fact it was supposed to be my home, my neighborhood, my city. I shouldn't have power right now. But we're really not out the woods yet as there are two more storms brewing out in the Atlantic.

I pray for a speedy recovery for all those affected by Hurricane Charley

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Hurricane Charley

Well looks like I will be experiencing a direct hit from this hurricane. It is expected to be a category 2. Pictures of it right now are impressive. Traffic leaving Pinellas county (west of me, right on the gulf) is a total nightmare crossing the bridge into Tampa. Businesses are boarding up, I'm actually a little scared now. As it stands we still have to work tomorrow nite!!! We are getting a few rain bands from Bonnie, nothing major, windy and a little rain. I'm having a horrible feeling about this :-(

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

The weatherman says not to panic, but this thing has a 2 on it and it's like almost on top of Tampa!! Man, when I goto work tomorrow nite, it's going to be hectic to the power of eternity. I don't even want to think about it....

Monday, August 02, 2004


Nothing else to do, havent posted in a while. I'm tired, I've finally reached my weekend, it's raining outside, and I think I'll go back to sleep...

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Ebay is (still) out of control

Someone sent this link to me, and I simply have no words to express my sorrow for this individual.

Oh, happy birthday to me! :-P

Thursday, June 24, 2004

All this email storage

This is totally getting ridiculous. So Gmail gives out 1gb email storage accounts. So now yahoo upped the ante and gives 100mb to the regular users. Adventuremail used to give out a gig, but now you have to pay (slick bastards make you go thru the steps and THEN tell you to goto the store). Now I find out hotmail will be upping the ante as well. Then there's Excite..... I have the first three. Gmail is cool, I actually like it better than my yahoo account, but geesus! Every single email I have on my Gmail account, I've never deleted and I still haven't reached 1%. If i need to send huge files, that's why I have ftp. I always say ebay is out of control, but now i need to say EMAIL IS OUT OF CONTROL!!

Free webmail comparison:

Yahoo - 100MB
Myway - 125MB
Excite - 125MB
Hotmail - 250MB
Gmail - 1000MB

Crazy crazy stuff....

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Donate to the troops

Gmail for the Troops

Ok maybe something good is coming out of gmail? There is a campaign going on for the troops. Donate a gmail account to a military member to keep in touch with loved ones. and with the 1gb storage, they can get many pictures, even videos from back home. Sounds like a good idea so far and I'm on board. I encourage anyone reading to check it out.

A stupid bank robber forgot a key ingredient on the job. He obviously forgot his brains too.

This blasphemous weather

I dont know who's got it worse, but it felt more like 140 when I'm stuck in traffic with no A/C in my car. OMG I swear I saw the devil himself standing on the corner!!!
More stupid commercials

I think I could live just one more day if I didn't have to see that Boost Mobile phone commercial, the one with the elderly people. The lady talking about "calling Alicia yo" was comical, but towards the end, with the two guys on the lady, that's just nasty. A mental image I can really do without.....

you can see it for yourself!

In other news, my favorite MTV show, Boiling Points, is on again hahaha, this show is hilarious!!

Friday, June 18, 2004

Another beheading >:-(

Not much to say about it, just that it sucks major ass and I'm sad and pissed at the same time >:-(

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Gmail again.....

People are so hard up for gmail accounts that there's a site called gmail swap, where if you looking for an account, you can post offers in exchange for an account. I go there just for the hilarity of it all, and I think I found the wierdest...

gmail swap: the motionless frog
Ebay is out of control

To my online people, they know that's my tagline when talking of ebay. Some of the auctions on there are truly out there. This one is just.....i can't really put a word on it. It's a damn lie that's for sure (his reason for selling). And being this has to do with gmail, that too is going places beyond comprehension sometimes. I'm telling you, people will do anything for a scam

Monday, June 14, 2004

Viagra Commercials

I seem to have a problem with these commercials. The song of choice for one of them is "We Are The Champions"....guys running around rejoicing that they can get an erection from the aid of a pill. I found it disturbing that one of these guys was an old man, 70-ish. Maybe it's just me, but I just find something wrong with this.....

Yay, I can get an erection now!!!!!! WOOOO HOOOO!!!!


Thursday, June 10, 2004

GMAIL again grrr

This is starting to piss me off just a tad. People want these damn email accounts like the world is ending or something, or it comes with some huge cash prize. So I get props for handing out gmail invites and all, but I'm not out advertising i'll give them to anyone that asks. Well i get a message that sounds more like groveling.....


I was wondering if you can give me a Gmail invite. I really need more space for my files. I get a lot of emails for work, shcool, and friends. Thanks.

Never ever heard from this person before, didnt know they was a member of this particular forum. Just out of the blue, like "sure! here's an account for ya!" If you get alot of emails like that, perhaps you need to open a few yahoo accounts in the meantime? How much email are you getting that cant hold what you are getting? Keep this up and I'll start charging for them!! >:-|

Apparently this is somewhat of a hot commodity of the internet community. Perhaps it's the 1 gigabyte storage that it offers. Personally I think my 4mb yahoo email is enough, and then I run my own mail server without any limits at all. It was offered to me by blogger,so i took it. People are even making a profit on ebay. (I'm telling you, ebay is out of control!). Oh well. Perhaps I'll email myself some warez, since I'm barely using 1% of storage space.....

Monday, June 07, 2004

can't say it any better than that!! WOOOO HOOOO (and i don't even watch hockey lol)
Ok, wtf is J-Lo's problem? Can she not find a man to satisfy her? Does she smell bad or something? Do these husband's have problems or something? Maybe she just needs to get back with Puffy or something. Her wedding headlines are getting to be irritating, I mean, geesh!! I guess I'll give her six months on this marraige....

I love this beaded jewelry thing I got going. I wear this beaded set almost everyday, so it's time for new inspiration. I've gotten alot of compliments on this, a lady at work even wants me to make something for her. I think I'll just make some out of practice and maybe ebay them off, as I've gotten suggestions to do that.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

there will probably be a bigger pic here monday nite......
Oh what fun. The lights went out at work lastnite. Didn't stay off long enough IMO. We thought it might have been the idiot we caught stealing the other nite (he's that deranged to do something like that) but apparently it was another idiot that decided to have too many drinks and then wrap his SUV around a pole up the street.

Ronald Reagan died yesterday :-( I guess the best part about that is he doesn't have to suffer anymore. Living with alzheimer's isn't fun I hear....


We forced a game seven with a double OT win in Calgary, so now it's do or die at home. We gotta get this, would be real nice to have a third trophy at home for Tampa. WOO HOO

Friday, June 04, 2004

I've come up with a new hobby, actually my first ever "hobby". Beaded jewelry. Don't know why, i just have the interest. I have what I can only describe as a small arsenal of beads and findings fit for a newbie. I'm proud of myself as I have created some nice things already, nothing really advanced, but still nice.

Work is stil work, nothing spectacular, but I do feel special that we brought down a thief lastnite, bastard was robbing us everynite for Lord knows how long. Best buddies with the security guy, which he may go down too.


Wednesday, May 19, 2004

A picture of my late Dusty. Oh yea, this is a test post with pics. Posted by Hello

Monday, May 17, 2004

This is quite possibly the funniest story I have ever read. For those not in the know, people will try anything to part a fool from his gold. A guy is trying to sell a laptop on ebay. A popular scam is when a person emails the seller to make a deal on the side outside of ebay, usually overseas, usually requesting to use a (fake) escrow site. This guy decided to take it to the next level. Simply hilarious is all I can say.

Since the site is mad popular, the guy can't keep up with his bandwith costs, so there's plenty of mirrors (copy/paste them):

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

This war thing has taken an ugly turn. In an apparent act of revenge, masked Islamic men have beheaded an american civilian in retaliation for what American soldiers did to POW's. The video is claimed to be or have been on an Islamic website. I knew this was coming. I don't think it was right for what our soldiers did, but at the same time I could in a way understand why they did it. But they should have thought thru their actions first, knowing the turmoil that is going on. I'm sure this is only the first incident, definitely not the last. This disgusts me.

Monday, May 10, 2004

Ugh! I went to register for classes this morning. It opened at 8am, I got there at 8:15am. The line was maybe 5 people wide and waayyyyy out the back door, easily a wait time of a few hours. I hate I can't register online right now!!! I went to another campus where the line wasnt as long and I only waited 30 minutes. I have to do it all over again on Wednesday to pick up my books :-( I have to take this dreaded math class, and I'll take a VB.NET class to get better guidance on learning it better, and a computer upgrade and repair class. Hopefully I'll get something out of that class. Not too many classes offered for the summer, but I had to get my 12 credits. Oh well, life goes on.

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Yay. So after a little bit of time and boredom, I was able to get my own template to work on blogger. Still got a little bug in the display, but it's functional, and at this point that's good enough for me.

Today is mother's day (Love you Mom, smooches), today is also the anniversary of the day my father died 32 years ago. Not like I knew him, but may he continue to rest.

Saturday, May 08, 2004

Ok this is wierd. Someone sent me a link to Subservient Chicken. You give him commands telling him to do something. I gotta tell you, the things I was telling him to do almost made me soil myself. (I'm told it's not "live", but runs on scripts, either way it's still funnier than hell).

I must be bored.
Well I'm convinced that job was a complete setup. "We'll give her these projects to finish up for us cause we didnt feel like doing it. We're done with her, give her this very difficult project that I can't do, tell her she has a week, start giving her pressure at 2 1/2 days so we can get rid of her". Feels great to be needed. So now i'm back at wallyworld. Can't say I'm happy, but at least I'm still working, and surprisingly I was welcomed back. Now I feel like I'm in a power struggle with the obnoxious department manager that seems to not smell his own shit. I'll deal with him tho, believe that.

I think I'm going to get some school training on some .NET stuff, I have the books (just received another .NET book), but I'm always so tired and don't spend the time learning it at home. Besides, I need to keep it up at school to keep my Pell Grant alive. I can use that kickback in these hard times. Dear God, how much longer?

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Life is not being good to me. I'm going thru this "I'm a failure" routine, and this time I feel real different about it. I've spent almost a week on some code that I can't seem to get working. I love this job, and I'm real big on impressions, and right now I don't know what my boss thinks. by her own admission she said this particular project was pretty difficult, and I guess I'm the code guru that should get it working. I have to pray real hard tonite. My health can't take this.

Sunday, April 25, 2004

apparently I never have much to say, but today i'm quite bored. I want to know who or what killed my cat. cute little fluffy black stray with a white patch on her chest that just strolled up one day at mom's house, over the months I got so attached to her. So I was finally at the point that I could get some stuff for her at home and was ready to take her. I only have to drive up and before I could get out of the car, she was right there. Well this day, she's nowhere to be found. 10 minutes go by. 20 minutes go by. At this point she usually reappears from somewhere, I'm getting worried. Hmmmm. Well I have to smoke a cigarette but they are in my car. On my way there, I just happen to catch what I could only initially describe as a black fluffy black garment at the treeline, under the bushes and in a bed of leaves.

::GASP:: It dawns on me......

She's just laying there. Flies are just starting to circle, so that says she wasn't there that long. I feel empty now, I feel like I lost my best friend. Mom says she was running around being herself only a couple of hours earlier. I don't understand it. I just spent about $70 at the pet store a few hours ago for her. Got her a cute little hooded litterbox, some toys, more food, and some Advantage, which is what had me there in the first place. I was going to put it on her so it could work before I brought her home the next day. Now it's all useless. I can't bring Dusty home now, apparently she's already home. So now I'll have to wait for another cute kitty to capture my now broken heart. :-(

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

this is but only a test. if it succeeds then this will be seen on my new blog. I want to use my own template, but I have to use this one for now. yay.