Monday, April 22, 2024


 Everyone wants everything to be perfect and catered to them.  We must understand, there is no perfect person.  Nobody and nothing is perfect.  If that is your expectation, you will be faced with alot of failures.  Complaining about not being perfect or not having it your way will not make it better (Complaining = garbage magnet).

I've learned to accept what I am capable of, and work on a goal to be better....NOT PERFECT.  Only God can do that.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Every sunrise offers a fresh start, a new opportunity to do something wonderful. Remember, the world is full of beauty and possibilities—it's all about where we choose to focus our attention. So, take a moment to look around and appreciate the little things. A smile, a kind word, or even the quiet peace of nature can bring a burst of joy. Whatever challenges you might be facing, know that there's always hope and new adventures waiting just around the corner. Keep shining!