and good riddance!! This year was a struggle at best. the one job I had didnt work out because of the terrible job market, I moved twice and the family isn't close like it should be, or at least like I want it. While I still wish for things in life, I'm blessed to have what I have. I realize it could be much worse for me. In my alone time, i spend it reading and praying. I'm far from being a bible thumper by miles, but keeping faith has certainly helped me thru some very trying times over the last year and a half.
My family really isnt close like we used to be. It's just so divided now, and it bothers me more than I thought it would. There's so many ways we can just come together on Sunday like we used to, if for nothing else just to hang out. Half of the family likes to go fishing, we'd always go bowling. Somebody has to step in and try to bring unity back to the family, I want to step up to the plate. I certainly have my work cut out for me.
Lastly, I'm still working on self. Some things I promised in years past still havent started, or at least started but not progressed. I have more to gain than to lose, and instead of waiting for the traditional "resolution" I've starting on some things long before now. If i don't stay with it, my health could be in real jeopardy....
I'm looking forward to 2009 for alot of reasons. I'm setting some new goals and the game plans are ready. I'm only looking up now.