Thursday, March 31, 2005

Terri Schiavo is dead

Finally, now may she be at peace. I'm not watching the news until next week tho....

Read here
and here

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Time to get healthy

Today me and my brother went and played raquetball. First time we hit the court together in a few years. I thought I was gonna die on the court, but now that I've come home and cooled off, I feel great! Over the weekend I was thinking alot about my health, how I look, how I feel. And I realized, how I said the beginning of the year I was gonna get my ass in gear, it's almost April! It was a most beautiful day out today, and it was a perfect day for it. According to fitlinxx I burned over 1000 calories, not bad for a first outing. I"m gonna make a committment to doing this daily. Year after year I talk about how nice I wanna look, and yet another year goes by. By this summer, or at least my birthday, I plan to at least be two sizes smaller, at the VERY least. If I stick to it and stay strong, I may be able to do better. I'm gonna commit to it.

I'm also gonna quit smoking. This is gonna be hard, but I have a few things I'm gonna try to help me out, including trying some mint smoking gum. I just realized I could save $100 a month if I quit. Geesus, I could pay another bill with that!

The added benefit to all this is I could save even more money. It could help my diabetes and high blood pressure, and in doing that, I wont have to pay for all the meds I have to take. This is gonna be great, I feel like doing some situps right now!!

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Enough of this bullshit!!!

first someone wants Michael Schiavo dead, now the parents are in a last ditch effort, now claiming Terri has tried to talk and supposedly expressed a desire to live.

I'll just say this because the straw just broke. I dont care if Michael Schiavo has moved on with his life. I dont care if the parents want to hold on to her for 13 more years. I dont care if she simply wakes up one day and starts a conversation with the wall and does a dance. I've seen enough and I simply dont give a shit anymore. I think it's a damn shame that this situation has turned into a media circus that it has become. My fucking goodness, people are camping out at the governor's mansion!! i'm sorry, but my tax dollars to the governor can much better spent doing something else..... you got fucking child molesters stealing and killing children, drunk drivers not knowing when to say when. Perhaps I havent followed this from the beginning, but at what point did this become so important that it has to be on the front page of the newspapers every single day and the top news story on the evening news!??!? I'm at the point of where i'm fucking sick of hearing about it day in and day out. This should be a PRIVATE family matter. You have parents letting their kids get arrested because of protests! If you gonna pull the tube, then let her go to the other side IN PEACE AND IN PRIVATE. If you gonna keep reinserting the damn tube, DO IT IN PRIVATE. The whole damn nation does not need to be a part of this, I think she has suffered enough as it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't want to sound like a heartless SOB, but in a way I wish she would just die already. I mean, damn. Who would want to live like that? This has caused for some interesting conversation at home, I've told my mother and brothers, if the doctors tell you there's nothing left, no possible hope left, then they are to have their 5 minutes to say goodbye and to just let me go. No way in hell I could live like that. I'm sure Michael, being married to her and loved her, would know that she wouldnt want to live like this. I'M SICK OF SEEING THIS SHIT EVERY FUCKING DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 18, 2005


dammit blogger, get your act together, know how many times i tried submitting this damn post, or the things i went thru at home thinking my computer was the problem????

It's been a while since I've graced my own blog, just been busy at work, and sleeping. I hate where I work, I really do. If I wasnt the responsible adult that I am, I would have quit a long time ago. For the work I have to do, I am WAY underpaid. I'm still working on a change tho, not as easy as I would like, but I'm working on it.

So I remember having a conversation with someone, how some people pay out so much in taxes thru the year, and only get a fraction of it back, but then there are some that barely work and bring home like $5k on tax time. It's a bitch. Well, how is it that people get these huge checks, and are more concerned with buying cell phones (nevermind the one you already have, instead of paying that damn bill, you just rather fuck it up and just get new service fuck it up later), digital cameras, big screens, etc, but not pay the rent or the bills? Looks really stupid when you are getting evicted a month after tax refund......(and lets take into consideration that it usually takes 30 days to process an eviction thru the courts, and most places wait at least a month or so before even going to the courts, you add it up). Yea I got a two bedroom, but i'm not taking roomates. OHHH don't get me started on that soapbox.....

Oh well, I guess I'll try to get some sleep and say a prayer before some other drama pops off