Sunday, December 26, 2004

They call me Big Toe.....

Tomorrow makes a week post-op. It still hurts a little and I still walk like an old lady. Those assholes at work dont seem to understand "light duty" and I seemed to go thru more pain lastnite than I did all week. I got one for them tho. I got over a week of sick time waiting to be abused....
Posted by Hello


Bah. So my hard drive is nothing more than a shiny paperweight. I tried everything that I could think of doing at this point. It was fdisk'd but would not format no matter what I try. I slaved it on my other system, windows would see it, wouldnt format. It's just screwed. The only real thing I lost was my email, some stuff in my documents and a few music files. Before it really shitted I was able to grab a few things. Thankfully I had a slave drive that had all the goodies on it, but what pisses me off is that the drive was less than a year old, and the place I bought it from mysteriously folded a few months ago (been good business for years). In any case I thought I'd find a 40 gigger or so, the problem is that I tried to do this on Christmas Eve. Every place I went to was packed like the world was ending. I just gave up and decided to use my slave as primary, and now I'm back in business. I guess a new hard drive will be on the tax refund shopping list. And oh yea, Maxtor drives suck. (this isnt the first maxtor I've owned that had just up and died on me, you would think that I would have learned). Life goes on.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

This just sucks major ass

I can't believe this. My hard drive just took a shit, a MAJOR shit. Just somehow the disk is damaged, I can't even format the bitch. And I bought this thing less than a year ago from a company that mysteriously closed its doors a few months ago. I cant even do an RMA on it. I'm fucked twice, and I have to go and buy a damn hard drive. I have to rob a bitch just to do that, working at wallyworld doesnt really give me room to buy shit when it breaks, so actually i'm fucked three times. I could use the slave drive, but shit, I have about 40gigs of shit that hasnt been backed up or nothing on that drive.

THIS JUST FUCKING SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 20, 2004

uber l33t fashion statement Posted by Hello


Ugh, I had foot surgery today, ouch. Removed a bone spur ouch. Had toenail removed on big toe, ouch. Ugh. The procedure went without a hitch, of course I hate when he sticks me with those needles to numb my foot,ouch. At least I felt absolutely nothing, but damn, the novacaine started wearing off like, 30 minutes after he finished. OUCH OUCH. At least the shoe he gave me is an uber fashion statement. So mom picks me up, and since today is Monday, it's her discount day at Bealls Outlet, that means some walking, ugh. I bought an outfit and sat in the car while she hit the dollar store. F*%^@. Then we decided to grab something to eat at the Food Court in the mall so I can start popping some pills. she just HAD to goto Spencer's to get a dirty birthday card for her cuddle bunny, arg. I went and sat in the car and talked to myself. Now that I'm home I've struck gold and found my Darvocet (altho I turned down the Rx to get some Vicadin) so I'll be happy in a short time from now.

My foot really does hurt

Saturday, December 18, 2004

I need to pray

I don't know what my brother is going thru right now, but whatever it is, I hope he gets his head together and dont do something stupid he'll regret forever. Don't walk away from a good thing because you have little devils sitting on your shoulders pulling strings. Please.....I've been there. He's young and has some mistakes to make, but if you need guidance from a person with the experience, please get with me. You know i'm like a worrywart on steroids, so don't make me worry about you. OPEN YOUR EYES TO THE GAME THAT IS BEING PLAYED!!!!

Friday, December 17, 2004

People in this world are truly sick

stolen fetus

Someone was so desparate that they killed a woman and stole her fetus right out of her body. And what's even sadder is, in looking for the baby, how can you give a physical description? I hope the dumbasses are caught. I would find it strange for someone to turn up with a newborn baby out of the blue. sick sick world

update: they found the baby
I hope this SICK BITCH rots in eternal hell

Something aint right!!!!

So here it is, some 14 hours later after going to the podiatrist today, and my foot is STILL TOTALLY NUMB from the injection. I have what he calls a "fibroma" on the arch of my foot. So he's been giving me an injection to try to reduce it to avoid surgery. Well on today's visit, he gives me my shot and I'm on my way. My foot was numb before I left his office. It wasnt until later that I had to think about it......he never numbed it before. He knows how I hate the injections, so maybe it was necessary to please me or something. After sitting in ER for a few hours, the doctors there made me realize something. I think instead of him giving me whatever treatment he gives me (which would be alot) he gave me the novacaine instead of the treatment, which I would think you wouldnt need nearly as enough of that stuff just to numb the area. I can't fucking believe it. I hate to think that he would make such a huge mistake like this. If I have to wake myself up in the morning, I'm tracking him down in one of his offices first thing. If I had my car I'd be waiting for him outside his fucking office. This is bullshit!!

Thursday, December 16, 2004

My foot is killing me

Really, it is. I got these fibroma things in the arch of both of my feet and they hurt like hell. He stuck this huge as needle to numb my foot, then stuck another huge needle in my foot to administer whatever to try and deal with the fibroma. He's against doing surgery to cut them out because they might come back. And now this bone spur has cropped up in my left foot big toe, so that means, toenail=off. So now I'm the only person that has no toenail on my big toes. But this spoiled my master plan of "being sick" on new years eve. Guess I'll have to goto Plan B. Well wait, actually it might work. I seemed to have a stockpiled amount of sick time waiting to be abused. I take my two days off, come in for, oh, a day or so, then say "there's a problem" and use my sick time for a week and a half stretching into the new year MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I might have a bandaged big foot for a few weeks, but i'll be bringing the new year in like two snaps in the wind (for a change, you know how long its been that i've celebrated on new year's eve?? and i'm not talking about sitting at home watching Dick Clark, calling relatives and hearing my grandma crying that she made it another year. My grandma is healthy albiet her latest conditions, she's gonna pass 100)

Monday, December 13, 2004

Dear Santa,

This year I've really been a good girl. I cleaned my room everyday, I did all of my chores, I even got a raise at my job. Well, I'm lying, I've made my bed maybe three times this year (why make the bed when you gonna get back in it?). Anyway, I have a couple of things I want for Christmas. I haven't asked for anything in so many years, so I think I'm deserving. Santa, I want a new job. I know there's something I have to do, and yes, I've done that, I just have to wait for the outcome of it. Can you get me a new job anyway? I'm not making a whole lot of money right now, so it would be really cool if I could get a nice job or something. Another thing is a car. I don't need a new car Santa, something dependable and maybe I'm picky, but I dont want something ugly. I need a cute car so when I'm cruising around town looking for hot guys....well, I won't get into that. But then here's a thought....why don't I just trade those things in, and you give me one thing. How about I get lucky? NOOOOOOOO not that!! You just get those six numbers lined up just right.....

Who the hell am I fooling?? I'd be just happy having New Year's Eve off to actually celebrate for a change. I lead a boring life. If it wasnt for this computer and a cable modem, I'd be quite postal right now.....I am serious about the job tho...

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Sprint sucks

I can finally use my phone now after two and a half weeks. I called customer service yesterday and he at first acted like there was nothing he could do. I spent a few minutes getting ethnic on him, he put me on hold for a few minutes, then he was more that willing to help me out and give me credit. Now that Sprint is merging with Nextel, I wonder how things will change. Actually, my phone is still acting a little funny. My brother just called and said the phone rung like 6 times before I picked it up on the first ring. Tmobile is looking better everyday.......

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

More babble

Life has been boring these days. Probably because i'm working alot and sleeping any other time. At least I'm wanting a new hobby of sewing, I dont know why.

My phone still doesnt work. Today makes two weeks of my non-service at home. But I can send/receive calls in digital roam, which I won't be paying for either. My landlord still hasnt contacted me at all. I've seen him on a couple of occasions (he's seen me too) and he acts like I have AIDS or something. Oh well.